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Arcane Blast needs changes

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:05 am
by Jairo
Isn't this card absurdly unbalanced?
200 dmg/creature CD<9 +1. So it, easely, can damage ALL units for 600 dmG in level 1!
Chain lighting damages SOME units for 400 (level 1) arrow 300-400 for SOME shadow bolts 400 for some...( there is other examples)
Why is it?

Re: Arcane Blast needs changes

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:44 am
by -bookie-
This card was already adjusted this last update from 8sec to 9sec cooldown. Bc it hits at 9sec instead of 7 or 8 many 9 second and lower attack units will get that additional attack before dieing that they may not get from chain or shadow bolts.

The main thing tho is this card works off current cards on battlefield. Once all low cooldown cards are dead it deals 200 damage every 9 seconds. This underperformans acid rain, blizzard, chain, shadow bolts, Wizards, etc. so where the spell is strong early on it is weak late in the battle.

There are many battles I've been in where I lost bc I watched last twenty seconds and arcane did little to no damage bc all the low cd cards were dead.

Also keep in mind that a card like blessing of Mother Earth which is silver can heal 400 to most units in 10 seconds and that is just a silver card. This it would not be hard for a free player to deal with arcane blast if they wanted to.

Re: Arcane Blast needs changes

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:54 am
by -bookie-
Suggest a card that could actually increase your own units cd by 1. Thus making more viable to play lower cooldown units not just at the end. Such a card could come with a trade off such as:

1. Spell: All your units cd increase by 1 at start of battle and all opposing units cd increase by 2
2. Unit: when unit attacks all friendly units gain 1 cooldown but also gain some defense etc
3. Trigger: such and such trigger does some nice thing but friendly units gain 1 cd.