The only pack to contain grey rarity cards.
About 75% of packs contain a gold rarity card.
Exactly 8% of packs contain a diamond rarity card.
Approximately 1% of packs contain a legend.
Gold rarity is the lowest rarity offered here.
Approximately 50% of packs contain a diamond rarity card.
Exactly 8% of packs contain a legend.
From personal experience, it feels as if 1% of packs contain an epic.
Diamond rarity is the lowest rarity offered here.
From personal experience, it feels as if 20% of packs contain a legend.
Exactly 8%of packs contain an epic.
Gold rarity is the lowest rarity offered here.
Diamond rarity percentage is unknown, but likely around 50%.
All packs contain a legend.
Epic rarity percentage is unknown.
Percentages are unknown.
Assumed that diamond rarity is lowest rarity offered here.
Please add information about this pack if you buy any.
Buying strategies:
T1 is best for players who are just beginning. My advice is for beginners to buy T1 packs till they have 2 of every grey card in the game at the time. Then I would switch to buying T2 with gold. It will be more impactful for beginners to begin collecting gold, diamond, and legend cards then it will be to have enough copies to fully evolve every grey card. This is also true for players who have an established collections, but are choosing to focus on pro rather than hardcore, IMO.
T3 should only bought with gold if your looking for a specific diamond card.
Diamond should be saved to buy either T3 or higher packs.
*More information coming soon*
Pack evaluation postv1.92
Re: Pack evaluation postv1.92
Nice and interesting topic!